Kickboxing is a Japanese Martial Arts developed during the 1960’s. It combines effective techniques from Karate, boxing and Muay Thai. It became popular in Australia and is considered to be a devastating striking based form of Self-Defence.
Special Equipment – We do have a uniform comprising shorts/T-shirt. In the beginning you can wear comfortable loose clothing of your choice.
Kickboxing for Kids
Ages 8-13
It is best for kids to learn self-defence early
Kids Kickboxing is a great way to get your kids off the couch/iphones and into fitness. Our system will get your kids fit, active and focused. They will develop confidence along with an awesome set of self-defence skills.
Classes – Tue & Thu 5.45pm to 6.30pm
Muay Thai & Kickboxing for Adults
Ages 14+
We also offer small classes and Female only private lessons
Our classes are suitable for Adults & Teens aged 14+. We teach authentic muay thai & kickboxing and make it a fun entire body workout. You will get fit, lose weight, build muscle and learn to defend yourself while training with our instructors.